
The developers metric represents the number of developer accounts on GitHub in a given economy. This count excludes users that are bots or otherwise flagged as “spammy” within internal systems. See our documentation for personal accounts for more information. Note that this count includes developer accounts that may no longer be active.

Count of Developers Among Top 30 Economies


Line chart with 30 lines.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Developers. Data ranges from 173641 to 23845773.
End of interactive chart.

How to read this chart

Each data point corresponds to the number of developers in the economy during a given quarter. Greater values appear higher on the chart and later values appear farther to the right.

Methodological note

Metrics for economies are only reported when there are 100 or more unique developers performing the relevant activity within the time period. See the datasheet in our repository for more on the metrics, definitions, representativeness, and limitations of the GitHub Innovation Graph.

Proportion of Developers Among Top 30 Economies


Chart with 29 data series.
The chart has 1 X axis displaying categories.
The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Developers. Data ranges from 0.45741415499517 to 100.
End of interactive chart.

How to read this chart

Each area corresponds to the relative number of developers in each economy during a given quarter. Economies that make up a larger proportion of developers within the total of the selected set appear wider on the chart and later values appear farther to the right.

Methodological note

Metrics for economies are only reported when there are 100 or more unique developers performing the relevant activity within the time period. See the datasheet in our repository for more on the metrics, definitions, representativeness, and limitations of the GitHub Innovation Graph.

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Access the complete CSV file for developers along with the rest of the dataset in our repository.